Thursday, June 17, 2010

David Tennant is my new favorite actor

I'm going to the midnight screening of Toy Story 3 tomorrow. Should be uber fun. I haven't been to a midnight screening in quite a while, so I'm pretty pumped.

I also just bought the new Toy Story 3 game for Mac and can't wait to play it. I'm definitely ready for a new game--I haven't been playing Dragon Age much (or at all) lately because I've played it through so many times.

Instead, I've been spending most of my downtime (which is pretty much all the time I have) catching up on Doctor Who. I've now seen every episode of the 9th and 10th Doctors, and one series from the 1st Doctor. I still need to go back and watch the rest of the 1st-8th Doctors, but it'll take a while. A long while. I won't be doing that with as much vigor as I did with the most recent ones.

The job hunt hasn't improved much (and I'm still stalling on bartending school). It's hard to make myself apply to jobs I don't really want. :P I did recently apply to Chipotle, though. If I get that, I'll get to eat even more delicious, puppy-sized burritos. Mmmmm.

Wouldn't it be great if I could get a job working at Pixar? They're in California, but not LA--Emeryville, which is close to San Francisco.

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