Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"Now I see clearly, and the dawn in coming nearly."

Well, my situation has definitely improved quite a bit in a week.

I now have a job at the bike shop. Today was my first day. It was fun! Putting bikes together. The only bad thing about it is that it's in the morning, but that's ok. I need to stop sleeping so late, anyway. The job doesn't really take any skill; it's just screwing in this, and attaching that. I love putting things together. Legos were my favorite toy when I was little.

I'm also going to be the photo/graphics editor for The Collegian again. I'm glad. I thought last May that I wouldn't do it again because I knew I had a busy schedule, but I do really need the money, and it is pretty fun most of the time, and my class schedule isn't going to be as hectic as I thought...

I'm not doing orchestra this year. *whew* My only B last semester, and probably the most time consuming class I've ever taken, and it's at such an inconvenient time! Ugh! No thank you. I might do it my senior year if there's not too much else going on, but for now, no way, José.

I've also decided to drop Music History III. I only went to two class periods and I already knew it was going to be my most boring class, by far. It would likely turn out as a B if I were to stay in it, and I really want this semester to be a blast, so I can wait till next year to take Music History. Also, the books for that class were WAY expensive. I didn't see that coming. But now I get a refund, thank God.

I think I am set. I have some great film studies stuff ahead of me, and band is going to be great, and I will be able to earn some money, and... I have decided to get out more, meaning I am going to get into exercise. Agatha and I had decided to play tennis on a regular basis, which shall be wonderful, I am sure. I am going to go disc golfing as much as possible, partly depending on whether others will go with me. And I'm going to start running. I have decided. I think now is when I will finally be motivated to get out and just run. I have an iPod that I don't use much, so running will be good use of that. Also, I've heard Riverside is a great place to run about. Also, I'm just sick and tired of being out of shape (pun intended). I miss that feeling. I miss being active. I feel better about myself when I'm outside moving around, and hey, that's basically a description of running! Imagine that!

I should probably add that I'm helping out at a film shoot tomorrow through Sunday, which should be a good and fun experience. I can't wait to use the sound mixer, if I can figure it out, that is...

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