Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Great day for men's figure skating--not so much for everything else

We haven't won any medals in luge, but the Germans have won 4 out of 6! Gold and silver for the men, and gold and bronze for the women. They did really well in Torino, too.

In Torino, Lindsey Jacobellis lost gold in snowboard cross because she did a trick on the last jump in premature celebration and ended up falling, letting the 2nd place girl pass her. Lindsey still got silver, but it was really disappointing, because she had gold in the bag until that slip up. She had a chance to redeem herself this year, but she didn't even make it into the final run--she went off course in the semifinal. Too bad. =/ Maelle Ricker won this time, gaining Canada their first snowboard cross gold, which is nice.

In the men's figure skating short program Yevgeny Plushenko of Russia got the highest score. I didn't care for him performance, though. The choreography looked like random spasms--they were really fast during slow music. It just looked weird.

Evan Lysacek of the US is in second. His music was Stravinski's "Firebird," and he did the music justice--nice jumps, amazing footwork. I saw no mistakes at all, and I never took my eyes off him. He's only trailing Pleshenko by .55 points.

Daisuke Takahashi and Nobunari Oda of Japan are in 3rd and 4th, respectfully. They did really well, but I thought Oda's skating looked really mechanical.

Stephane Lambiel of Switzerland (5th) skated to "William Tell" music, with cool spins and great musicality. It was really fun to watch. He messed up a couple jumps, though.

The ever flamboyant Johnny Weir of the US (6th) skated pretty well. He had quite a strange costume, as usual.

Jeremy Abbott of the US skated to Jeff Beck's cover of "A Day in the Life" by The Beatles. He skated really well, but he missed 2 big jumps, so his chances of medaling are pretty much out the window. It's really sad. I liked his performance a lot.

My favorite performance was by Takahiko Kozuka of Japan, who skated to Jimi Hendrix's "Bold as Love." His pants were made to look like jeans, and his shirt was very psychedelic; he had cool footwork and a nice ending. He's in 7th for now.

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