Thursday, February 18, 2010

Maybe now Plushenko's head will shrink a little

Evan Lysacek won men's figure skating! He only wobbled slightly on one jump, but otherwise--clean. His music was Rimski Korsakov's "Scheherazade," which is a great piece, and he even had cool sparkly snakes on his costume. His routine was significantly more impressive than Yevgeny Plushenko's. Plushenko made a lot of little mistakes on jumps, which is what dropped him down to second--he looked pretty irked at the medal ceremony. Daisuke Takahashi won bronze.

I really liked Johnny Weir's program. He had really cool music called "Fallen Angel." I was wishing he might medal, but he wasn't able to come up from 6th place. He did really well, though! He was satisfied.

I enjoyed Takahiko Kozuka's performance, as well (another electric guitar piece), but he was too. He got a personal best, and I bet he'll come back in 4 years and be really really good.

In the super combined (downhill + slalom), Maria Riesch of Germany won gold, Julia Mancuso won silver, and Sweden's Anja Paerson won bronze. Lindsey Vonn did well on the downhill, but she caught a ski on a one of the gates and fell in the slalom.

I love the US women's snowboarding team. They're chill. NBC had a special on Kelly Clark, Gretchen Bleiler, and Hannah Teter--they're all really good friends. Gretchen Bleiler fell on a difficult trick in her first run of the finals, and then caught the lip on an easier trick in her second, so she didn't place. Kelly Clark rode with an iPod, and she started singing at the beginning of her second run (to get in the zone, I guess), and got a 42.2 to win her the bronze. Torah Bright of Australia had a really bad first run (score of 5.9), but her second was awesome, with at score of 45.0 (out of 50), winning her gold. Hannah Teter was in first position after the first run, but she wasn't able to beat Torah's score, so she took silver.

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