Thursday, July 21, 2011

Did a lot of stuff today!

So this morning I slept in really late 'cause I was having a really interesting dream. It was about Harry Potter. It had Harry Potter characters in it, including Harry, Ron, Hermione, McGonagall, Bellatrix Lestrange, etc. The plot, however, was not the one from the books. The characters were the same, but the events were completely different. Also, I was not in it. Most of the dream was in third person, like I was just watching it happen, but for some parts, I was seeing things in first person from Harry's perspective! In one these instances I was Harry was flying on a broomstick. That was cool! Awesome dream.

Soon after I got out of bed, I went to pick up Aleithia. We ate lunch at the Spicy Pickle (mmmm!) and then went to see Beginners at AMC. We were originally going to see Horrible Bosses, but I'm rather glad we picked this one instead. It was very different than anything I've seen recently. The story itself was original, about a man named Oliver (Ewan McGregor) who is in a new relationship with a Bohemian girl (Mélanie Laurent) and thinking back on his last years with his recently deceased father (Christopher Plummer) who came out of the closet at age 75 when his wife died. And the storytelling was quite refreshing, as well. Oliver's dog has subtitles (which are Oliver's thoughts being projected onto the dog by the character), and as Oliver thinks back to the past, photos flash onto the screen as he tells us, "This is was what nature looked like in 2003. This was the president." Perhaps an odd way for a narrator to tell a story, but it was effective at guiding the audience to see from Oliver's perspective. It's not exactly a feel-good movie, but it has a relaxing air to it and I could see myself watching this on DVD at home, snuggled up on the couch. I just might buy it when it goes to video.

After that was work at the library, from 5-9pm. Uneventful, but I checked out Fun & Creative Dates for Dating Couples since I enjoyed Fun & Creative Dates for Married Couples. I did like Dating Couples better than Married Couples, though, for obvious reasons. They both have similar ideas in them, but with small detailes pertaining to which kind of relationship you're in. And I can't exactly recreate my marriage proposal, as I've not yet had that experience. I would definitely recommend both books. Dating Couples for those people, and Married Couples for those other people.

Tonight I was watching Jay Leno (I don't rightly know why) and Daniel Craig was a guest (maybe that's why). The clip they showed from Cowboys & Aliens made me excited for the midnight premier, for which I just bought tickets. I think it's gonna be really entertaining, if not generally amazing.

Here's a cute trailer of Beginners:

1 comment:

Mel said...

I <3 your blog.