Monday, July 18, 2011

Fresh start

It's definitely been a while since I've written on here. Partly, I was busy last fall working at Blunck's Photography. While I earned lots of money there, I'm glad to be gone from there. I had no life while I was there, and I didn't much like it, either.

Now I have a super awesome job at the OKC ZooFriends office with super awesome coworkers. I'm also working some hours at the Edmond Public library as a library page, which is very low key. I find sorting things cathartic.

Another change is my boyfriend Colin. We started dating in February, and we've had a great time so far. This summer, he's been in Chicago working for his dad, and that's been really hard 'cause we haven't been able to see each other. But I did go visit for a week earlier this month. That was a blast--museums, Six Flags, yummy pizza. I'll be glad when he comes back to Oklahoma in August, though, even if he is in Tulsa.

I checked this book out from the library called Keeping a Journal You Love with tips about keeping a journal without getting bored of it, which is usually what happens to me. :P So maybe this time I'll be better about posting more regularly. We'll see!

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