Monday, July 25, 2011

I'm ready for fall.

Just one more week of July and then it's August. Yay! Then just 2 weeks of August and Colin is here in Edmond for a week. Yay! He and I had a good talk on the phone today for about an hour. We talk pretty much every day, but sometimes it's only for 10 minutes, and sometimes we don't have much to say (and sometimes it's a little less than pleasant :P). But today's chat was a good amount of time and just plain fun. I talked about my hair a bit (real interesting, I know), and I've decided to grow it out again. For a while, I was thinking about cutting it even shorter--like more of a pixie cut, but I'm gonna just let it grow. I miss ponytails and braids. 'Course, when my shoulder blades are covered, I'll probably be sick of it and cut it all off again. *shrug*

Today at the ZooFriends office, I was looking at this DC comics preview thing that Steve had. Apparently in a couple months, DC is going to completely revamp all their comics and start over with #1 issues. I was wondering if maybe I should pick one and start reading it. Comics have always interested me, and some of the characters are really fascinating, but I've never really read them. I've watched film and television adaptations, but I've never gone to a store and bought the paper issues. I do tend to prefer Marvel to DC, but since DC is starting everything at the beginning, now would be a good time to jump in. (If I tried to start reading Marvel now, I'd probably get super confused about all the alternate universes and get lost in the middle of complicated story lines.) If money weren't a factor, I'd probably try following multiple comics, but I think I'll just choose one--probably one of the Batman stories.

Here's a really cute picture summary of Harry Potter that Sam K. showed me:

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