Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The internet and stuff

Our internet has been having problems this week, so I've been having to go to cafes to get online. Right now I'm at Panera. Kind of annoying, but also nice in some ways. I've been going through my clothes as well as my books to give away all the stuff I don't want. And I've been reading a bit more. I just read this book I picked up at the library called A Guide to Quality, Taste, and Style by Tim Gunn. It was pretty entertaining, and I read it in like 3 days--that's pretty quick for me!

I've also made good progress in A Game of Thrones. I know I'll be able to finish it before season 2 of the tv show, but I'm wondering if I should wait to read the second novel till I've seen the second season. If I do, the show will be more exciting, but if don't, the book will be more exciting. I'll probably try to wait, and then become impatient and end up reading the book first.

My jobs at ZooFriends and the library are going really well. For a while, the schedules were stressing me out 'cause I either felt like I wouldn't have enough hours or I wouldn't have enough time off, but it looks like everything is going to fit together quite well. I should get a day off at least every other week so I can visit Tulsa, and my hours at the library have increased to make up for lost hours at the zoo. I hope this fall turns out as well as I think it will!

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